Lemonade by the Gallon

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The Quest for a Successful GF/DF/SF Pumpkin Roll

… using Cherrybrook Kitchen’s GF yellow cake mix.

Thursday evening, I finally got a minute to establish a baseline for my CBK-GF yellow-cake-mix-based pumpkin roll adventure, and I am encouraged!  Because Cherrybrook Kitchen has successfully created a cake mix that is both gluten free and egg free which bakes well and actually tastes good (more on that in a later post), starting with that mix seemed like the obvious place to start.
For my first experiment, this is what I did:

  • CBK’s instructions call for
    1/3 C melted butter
    3/4 C water
    the cake mix.
    Preheat oven to 350*.  Baking time for a 9″ round layer is 28-30 minutes.

My adjustments:

  • 1/3 C melted Earth Balance Soy Free Buttery Spread
    3/4 C Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin
    EnerG Egg Replacer for the equivalent of 1 egg
    1 CBK GF yellow cake mix
    Preheat oven to 325.  (I meant to preheat it to 300 but was standing at an odd angle to the dial while setting the temp. It ended up being 325.  It worked anyway!)  Baking time ended up being about 36-38 minutes.

I know.  It’s pretty risky to replace something as runny and loose as water with something as dense and comparatively thick and unyielding as pumpkin, but I had to start somewhere.

Because of the density of the batter, I was concerned that the cake wouldn’t bake all the way through with the mix’s baking time and temp.  Baking without eggs has taught me that when a recipe calls for eggs, nothing works like eggs!!  And when replacing eggs, it’s important to bake  low and slow. I reduced the temp and increased the time so that the inside would have more time to bake without the outside drying out and/or burning.

I was ultimately aiming for the sliced roll look with all of its layers of roll and creamy filling,  if at all possible, since I wasn’t planning on being able to actually roll it up.   I decided to try baking the batter in thin layers in loaf pans.  The amount of batter that I ended up with after I made the above adjustments was adequate to divide three ways.  While the batter did bake quite nicely, it did not move much from the position it was in when I poured it into the bread pans, so it wasn’t nice and smooth looking like ordinary cake.

After baking, the look of the batter was pretty much unchanged from when I first poured it.

It was, however, baked through and through.  That was a huge victory in gluten free, egg free baking!  Thank You, God!

The baked batter was also flexible and held together well.  I am still amazed!!  I hadn’t expected that at all!!  I was pretty sure that, if anything, it was going to break apart and/or crumble at the slightest movement.

It came out of the pans cleanly, and it’s not as visible here as the full size version, but the bottom is covered with little tiny bubbles from the leavening. The roll was that way throughout.

As you can see, there were no cracks or tears or giant chunks missing from sticking to the pan. I was very pleased!  I am betting that I will actually be able to roll this baby up if I am careful. Yippee!!

Because Cherrybrook Kitchen has done a great job of figuring out the leavening situation, the person baking it at home doesn’t have to worry about it.  It is a load off, let me tell you! This is why I thought CBK-ycm would be a great base for this endeavor and it has really paid off so far!

I attempted to make a filling for it that would be just as good as the cream cheese filling but I put it on too soon and it melted all over the place.  It tasted good, but it wasn’t pretty.  Sticky, but not pretty.

It’s not beautiful, but if you look closely, you can see that it is baked all the way through. 🙂

I’m so excited!  I’m hoping that this pumpkin roll/thingy will give me Favorite Aunt status for at least five minutes on Thanksgiving Day.  We’ll see!  🙂 I definitely need to get working on the filling.  I’ll probably post about that tomorrow.

Thanks for visiting!  God bless you!

– Esther

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Other than intended uses for Cherrybrook Kitchen g.f. yellow cake mix?

If you have ever used a gluten free cake mix for anything other than cake or cupcakes, what did you do and how did it turn out?  There are recipes for making cookies with cake mix.  Why not build on the pretty great Cherrybrook Kitchen gf yellow cake mix?

My food allergies and intolerances are various and inconvenient, so trying to reaction-proof an old favorite is kind of depressing. I have yet to find a pumpkin roll recipe that is free of gluten, dairy, soy, and eggs.  There are significant complications with trying to replace both gluten and eggs in the batter for the roll, so I think I’m just going to try to bake thin layers and stack them kind of like this from the Hershey’s website.

Until today, I had given up on the cream cheese based filling and was resigned to use my stand by frosting recipe, while fantastic as frosting, leaves a lot to be desired – in my mind – as pumpkin roll filling.  Thankfully, this afternoon I came across this Dairy and Soy Free Cream Cheese Substitute by Cassidy@Cooking Gluten (& Dairy) Free.  I think that with some adjustments, I can probably make that work!  Hooray!!  That gives me the motivation to try to create a good tasting alternative to the very good but very reaction provoking pumpkin roll I used to love.

If anyone has successfully made anything yummy using a gluten free/other stuff free mix, please tell me about it!

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My Children

If the my children are ever involved in an incident like this, there’s an excellent chance that there will be trouble, but it won’t be the cop who is in it.

I am reminded of several trips to the store with my children in which one or the other of them behaved badly and would yell, “OWWWWW!!  YOU’RE HURTING MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” when I’d grab them by the hand and force them to stay right next to me.  I’m sure other parents thought I was abusing them, but they weren’t shopping with me and didn’t know the whole story.

It’s unfortunate, not to mention irresponsible, that the mainstream media is in the habit of distorting pretty much everything, choosing the sensational over the factual.  WWMT did not do the kids in their viewing area any favors by misreporting what happened.